
Darryl Sittler Toronto Maple Leafs 1970 Game Used Stick

 Darryl Sittler gamer here from his rookie year. It is signed by most of the Leafs from that year but it is a stick that Sittler gave to someone he knew after a game. Early tape job on the knob as Sittler almost always taped his butt ends with black and white tape, barber pole style. As he went on, the knob got much smaller in thickness. Rare CCM gem from one of the best Leafs to strap on the blades! This stick is in perfect condition. No cracks at all and no damage other than stick and puck marks all over the shaft and blade.

 Signatures include.. Sittler large autograph on one side best wishes Mark from all the Leafs 1970 - 71 all in Sittlers hand writing. Other side holds the autographs of Gary Monahan, Norm Ullman, Doug Brindley, Jacques Plante, Brian Glennie, Paul Henderson, Jim Mckenny, Bill Macmillan, Darryl Sittler again, Mike Pelyk, Bob Baun, Dave Keon, Ron Ellis, Brian Spencer and Rick Ley.



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