
George Chuvalo Fight Worn Gloves 1966

  I was lucky enough to have met George Chuvalo through a friend of mine several years back. He took me to a pool hall in Toronto where George liked to frequent. You could not meet a nicer guy. He and the three of us talked for a couple hours and were constantly being interrupted by fans alike. He was so gracious with everyone who approached and was easy to see why he is so well liked, he is Canadian after all.

 George took out a few nice glossy photos for me and signed them which i will add later to this post. I will also try to find the pictures we took that day. It was just so amazing to be around the man who fought Muhammad Ali, twice and lived to talk about it. Both legends of the squared circle, Ali never knocked Chuvalo won but won both fights. Ali said after their bout in 1966 at Maple Leaf Gardens that Chuvalo was the toughest guy he ever fought. High praise from a man who fought them all.

 George was inducted into the Ontario Sports Hall of Fame in 1995, right here in my home town. Very proud to have this pair of fight worn gloves from his career. This bout was held in Montreal August 16, 1966 a few months after he fights Ali. Chuvalo whooped Mel Turnbow that night and these are the mitts he wore for the victory. 

 Just added the photo of Mr. Chuvalo and myself the day we met at the pool hall in Toronto.



George-Chuvallo-Fight-Worn-Used-Gloves-Mel-Turnbow-Montreal-CanadaSpartan-Boxing-Gloves-Vintage-George-ChuvalloIrving-Ungerman-George-Chuvallo-1966George-Chuvallo-Autographed-GloveVintage-Boxing-GlovesGeorge-Chuvallo-Boxing-GlovesGeorge Chuvallo Muhammad AliGeroge-Chuvallo-Todd-Bargman-Boxing-Gloves

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