One of Nifty’s gamers from 1986 87. That year, Middleton shared the Captaincy with Ray Bourque and you can see evidence of the A removal under the captains C on this hammered jersey. Repairs and stick all over it as well as still clinging to the collar, the year tag stating 86 01 meaning it was made in January 1986.
Rick was drafted in 1973 by the New York Rangers as well as the Minnesota Fighting Saints of the WHA. He played for the Rangers for 2 seasons before being traded to the Boston Bruins. While in Boston, Rick became known as one the best players in the league with his style and grace on the ice. Middleton played 14 injury free seasons in the NHL while amassing 448 goals and 540 assists and adding 45 and 55 respectively, in the playoffs. In total, Rick played in over 1,100 NHL games during his career. Born in Toronto Canada, i wonder why the Maple Leafs didn’t grab this guy back in the day. Nice photo match added while playing in Boston against the Toronto Maple Leafs and Borje Salming.